February 26th, 2015
We are happy to announce that we surpassed our goal by a $1000 dollars! Our sales were $4100 and our library will be receiving $1200 cash.
Special Thanks to Sarah for taking the leadership in running such a successful event for our Library!!
Thank our great team of volunteers:
Cashier was handled by: Dawn, Anna, Krista, Nicole, Gina, Arriane, Tatiana, & Susan.
Webinars, Baking, Family night, wrap up, set up were made possible by Laila, Khurram, Sarah/Brian, Debbie, Tricia, Dana, Jim.
Decor and castle was created by Jim, Dana and Kathryn (cai).
All those helping indirectly by taking care of kids etc.
Student volunteers, Jeanette Vincent and all the school staff.
And last but not the least all the families who participated! (Hope I’m not missing anyone)
We wanted to mention that we had such an amazing response by everyone who I asked for help. It was really heart warming and was a pleasure to work with everyone.