Our School

King Edward Public School opened in 1885 as Agnes Street Public School.  A new wing was added to the school in 1962-1963.  King Edward Public School is located at 709 King Street West in Kitchener at the corner of King and Agnes Streets.  Our school serves the northern downtown area of the City of Kitchener.

School Mission Statement – Our ‘North Star’

      To ensure that identity and social location no longer predict outcomes, TOGETHER we will transform our systems, structures, physical environments and practices to address and embrace the lived experiences, abilities, needs and stories of students and staff to ensure success for ALL

Our Students

King Edward Public School is home to approximately 380 students from over 30 countries.  Many different languages are spoken by students in our school.  Graduates from King Edward go to Margaret Avenue Senior Public School or Courtland Senior Public School.  Most of our students walk to school with some students riding the school bus each day (2 school buses).

Our Staff

We have a highly qualified staff of Teachers, and Early Childhood Educators whose focus is developing a well-rounded child, both in and out of the classroom setting.  Our teaching staff is supported by 6 Educational Assistants, a Child and Youth Worker, two Special Education Resource Teachers, a Principal, Vice-Principal, an MLL Itinerant teacher,  a Head Secretary, a second Secretary, a Library Clerk and three Custodians.

Parents and Community

The parents of this community are very supportive of the school.  This is evident in the number of parents who regularly volunteer at King Edward.  Our School Council meets regularly – see the School Council link on this website.  School Council supports school initiatives and policies in an advisory capacity.  Many items are discussed including fundraising, school and staff initiatives and community issues.  This group works closely with the school to make it a welcoming place for our students every day.

The school council also organizes special family evenings and events for our students each year including the Bike Rodeo, a School Concert, and many other initiatives! These events are often highlights of the year.

Academic Programs and Special Education Programs

In addition to the regular academic program, King Edward offers students opportunities to participate in our Early Literacy Program and our Strong Start program.  Our Early Literacy Program provides intensive support to some students in senior kindergarten and grade 1 who are experiencing difficulty developing literacy skills.  Our Empower Program supports a few students in grade 2 or 3. We also have the Strong Start program which is run by community volunteers to provide young students with literacy support.
At King Edward, we offer academic support to students in a variety of ways through differentiated programming within the classroom.  Our Special Education Teachers support this programming through consultation with staff, students, and parents.

English as a Second Language Program (MLL – Multiple Language Learners)

Did you know that Einstein was an ESL student?  This reminds all of us of the amazing abilities that reside beyond the temporary silence of a newcomer to English.  Here at King Edward Public School we foster the accelerated development of MLL students in a variety of ways, and encourage our entire school population to have a global perspective.

At King Edward, every child quickly learns that people are valuable regardless of their differences, and that these differences bring variety, experience, and texture to all of our lives.  Our students hear a variety of languages spoken on the playground, and see that skin comes in many colours.  They listen to stories of life in other countries told in person by the children who lived there, and begin to understand and appreciate our amazing country.

Supporting MLL learners is a team effort that involves our administrative team, our teachers, our students, parents, volunteers, and outside agencies.  We work with community organizations to help new families understand the Ontario school system. All of our students participate in welcoming and helping newcomers.

The MLL program at King Edward supports students in developing vocabulary, oral language skills, and literacy. Students benefit from contextualized reading and writing development that is based in communicative oral language tasks. In this way, our MLL students develop both the ability to express themselves with growing competence, and the ability to read and write meaningfully. The MLL program accelerates natural language acquisition, and we are often amazed at how quickly students acquire basic speaking and literacy skills.

Our goal is to also support students beyond basic English development so that they reach their academic potential.   Our classroom teachers understand the needs of MLL students and accommodate these children with key visuals, modified work, peer helpers, and volunteers. Understanding and supporting MLL students is a community effort and a privilege that we enjoy here at King Edward Public School.

Safe Schools Initiatives

King Edward Public School or KEPS abides by the “KEPS” philosophy that the students are well versed in.  Kindness, Effort, Problem Solving, and Respect are focused on here at KEPS on a daily basis.

Classroom Organization

King Edward currently has an enrolment of approximately 380 students.  There are five sections of kindergarten. The school services students in grades JK to Grade 6.

Facilities and Resources

King Edward Public School is located in a busy downtown area.  Despite its downtown location King Edward has two playground areas.  The first area, our upfield, is used by primary students during the recess break.  This area is a paved area with a creative playground and several painted tarmac games.  It also has a unique forest area with pathways, rocks and benches for the children to explore.  Our School Council has been absolutely invaluable in creating and maintaining this wonderful area, not only for our children to play in but for our community to congregate.

The second playground area, our downfield, is located across the street and is used by our junior students during the recess break.  Our staff crosses our junior students safely to the downfield each day.   This area has a large playing field for soccer and other games, several basketball nets, four square courts, a Gaga Ball pit, and a creative playground.

The school structure consists of the original school which has three floors and the addition which has two floors and houses the main entrance and office. Currently, there is a construction project at our school to support accessibility for all with a new Agnes Street entrance, including an elevator.

School Success Plans and Initiatives

Our area of focus in our school success plan aligns with the Board focus on improving student achievement in mathematics.

We understand that all children do not express their thinking in the same way.  We use the strengths of each child to provide them with the strategies and tools they need to achieve their goals.  Our staff works in a collaborative manner to assess student achievement and set goals related to the outcomes.



King Edward Public School prides itself on being a caring community where we educate and support the growth of the whole child. Our professional staff offer a quality program with an emphasis on inquiry based learning. Students interact with each other and with staff to ask questions, gain information and share their thinking. Reading is supported through the use of levelled text and through books of choice.  Math skills and strategies are learned through individual practice, small group and large group instruction and through problem solving.  Student progress and achievement is carefully tracked for each student and parents meet with staff in the late fall to get an update.  Progress report cards are sent home in November, and achievement report cards are sent home in February and in June.


School information will be shared through our school website and on School Day. Please check the website on a regular basis for updates http://ked.wrdsb.ca .   Individual teachers may also use other forms of communication which they will share with you. If you need to speak to staff, it is best to make an appointment. Calling or dropping by through the day to speak to staff is not possible due to their teaching and supervision schedules.


Code of Conduct


Students are expected to conduct themselves so that all children may take full advantage of the opportunities offered to learn and grow. We partner with parents to teach students the importance of being Kind, giving their best Effort at all times, Problem Solving, and showing Respect.


In keeping with the Board’s policies and Ministry Guidelines, these behaviours are not acceptable:

  1. Verbal abuse: put-downs, racial/religious/sexist comments, swearing.
  2. Aggressive behaviour: kicking, punching, fighting and/or play-fighting, snowball throwing, spitting and tackling.
  3. Uncooperative and defiant behaviour: talking back, lying to any staff member, and refusing to follow school rules when instructed to do so.
    1. Vandalism: destruction of school property, destruction of the property of other students, staff or volunteers.
    2.   Stealing: taking the property belonging to another student, staff member or volunteer.
    3. The use, possession or sale of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, possession or use of weapons or items intended to be used that could frighten other students (e.g., any kind of knife, toy guns, cap gun, etc.), possession or use of matches, lighters, lighter fluid or anything that could cause a fire or be deemed a safety hazard.
    4. Bullying, threatening or intimidating behaviour (either physical or verbal harassment)
  • Students may not leave school property to go home for either break without a parent. All students, parents, teachers and staff have the right to be safe in their school community. With this right comes the responsibility to be accountable for actions that put the safety of oneself or others at risk.


All members of the King Edward School community – students, teachers, parents/guardians, volunteers, and other staff members – are subject to this Code of Conduct whether they are on school property, on school buses or at school-authorized events or activities.



K•  King Edward promotes a nurturing community through an emphasis on kindness and inclusive behaviour.

E•   At King Edward we come to school prepared for learning and consistently put forth our best effort everyday.

P•   Our school community has a responsibility to maintain an environment where conflict and difference of opinion can be addressed using appropriate problem solving strategies.

S• All members of the school community are to show respect and treat others with dignity.



Roles and Responsibilities:

School Staff shall maintain order in the school and are expected to hold everyone to the highest standard of the KEPS philosophy. As role models, staff uphold these standards when they:

  • Demonstrate respect for all students, staff members and parents
  • Help students work to their full potential
  • Communicate regularly with parents
  • Maintain consistent standards of behaviour for all students


Students are to treat others with respect and dignity. The KEPS philosophy is demonstrated when a student:

  • Demonstrates respect for all students, staff members and parents
  • Comes to school prepared, on time and ready to learn
  • Complies with school rules and takes responsibility for his or her own actions/behaviour


Parents play an important role in the education of their children and have a responsibility to support the efforts of school staff in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students. Parents fulfill this responsibility when they:

  • Demonstrate respect for all students, staff members and parents
  • Ensure that their child attends school regularly and on time and promptly reports their child’s absence or late arrival to the school
  • Communicate regularly with the school (reading and signing the planner everyday)
  • Demonstrate an interest in their child’s academic and social progress
  • Become familiar with and assist their child in following the Code of Conduct and school rules and assist and support school staff in dealing with disciplinary issues




 All visitors and volunteers must report to the office and sign-in.

School Bus Expectations

Riding on a school bus, whether for transportation to and from school, or on a school-related activity such as a field trip or an extra-curricular event, is a privilege and not a right.  The school bus is an extension of the school and all Board and school policies and expectations apply to each student riding on a school bus.  Likewise, all disciplinary alternatives, including the suspension of bus riding privileges, may be used in support of those expectations and policies.



Lunchroom Expectations: Students are to…

*Stay in your seat

*Talk quietly

*Clean up

* Recycle when possible

*Ask permission to use the washroom


Dress Code

  • Clothing should not be offensive to others, or the learning environment.
  • Shorts and skirts should be mid-thigh length

Personal Tech:

  • Personal mobile phones, personal game systems and other electronic equipment must not be out at school unless directed by a staff member. The school will not assume responsibility for lost or damaged items.


Appropriate Movement:

  • To ensure the safety of our students, crossing guards and safety patrols are provided to assist students crossing with the lights at King and Agnes, as well as Agnes and Walter Streets. All students must respect the traffic safety rules and the instructions of the crossing guards and safety patrols. Students using the crosswalks provided must dismount their bicycles and walk them safely across the street.
  • For those students who ride their bikes to school we ask them to walk their bikes when they reach school property. Bicycles should be placed in the bicycle racks and locked. All students must wear a certified helmet while riding their bicycle.


School Routines / General Information



Morning Classes begin: 9:10 am

First nutrition break:     11:10 -11:50 am

Second nutrition break: 1:50 – 2:30 pm

Classes dismissed for the day: 3:30 pm


All Day Every Day Kindergarten follows the same schedule as the rest of the school.


Drop Off / Pick Up times:

Students should be dropped off no earlier than 8:55 a.m. unless they are participating in a scheduled event or extra curricular activity. Playground supervision does not begin until 8:55 a.m.  Students should be dropped off on a side street near the crossing guards. Please do not drop off your children in the staff parking lot or near the bus parking area on Agnes St. as there is not enough room for additional vehicles.

Students should be picked up just after the 3:30 bell, unless prior arrangements have been made. Please wait for your children at the back of the school on the upper playground.

DOGS – it is our preference at King Edward that all dogs be left at home while picking up your children. If you must bring your dog onto school property, please ensure that they are leashed, muzzled, and controlled by an adult. They must be kept away from the student line-ups and entry ways.



What to do when…

            You are absent – Every student is expected to be in school each and every school day. If a student will be absent on a particular day, parents or guardians are expected to phone the school on that day to report the absence.  Remember please call the Attendance Check:  to report your child’s absence at (519) 578-0220  ext: 1. Also, please make sure you record the reason for the absence, as we are now mandated to input this information daily. You may also email the absence: ked-attendance@wrdsb.ca


You are late – All students must report to the office to sign in before going to the classroom.

You need to leave early – A note or phone call from a parent or guardian is required.  When picking up your child, please report to the office and sign out your child