As you may have noticed our school community has been affected by the overall construction on King St. We have had many meetings with the construction workers and the City of Kitchener representatives and we are working hard to come to some mutually acceptable agreements. Our first priority is and always will be your child’s safety. There may be days that we need our staff to park on our Upper Field tarmac. These individuals will be the staff arriving at our school before 8:15 so that there is no student activity on the upper tarmac when they arrive. We have also modified our supervision on those days to support some of the parking changes and keep our student’s safe – please remember that outdoor morning supervision does NOT start until 8:55 on our Upper Tarmac. Please note, there will be no cars coming or going from the upper tarmac when students are playing outside during the day or at the end of the day. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call the office. We will continue to keep you posted on the construction updates as we work through the challenges. Your understanding is very much appreciated.