May 8, 2015
Dear Families:
This notice is to inform you that the labeling on the pepperettes that were sold in our fundraiser did not indicate that refrigeration was required. We have been informed that the pepperettes are perishable and should not be consumed. Please note that at this point, the pepperettes have not been recalled. Please note that Waterloo Region Public Health has not received any reports about illness associated with consuming these pepperettes. Any pepperettes that were purchased through the school’s fundraiser should be thrown away. Please contact Country Style Meats for a refund or an exchange. The pepperettes must not be returned to the school, you will need to work directly with Country Style Meats.
All questions and concerns and requests for a refund need to be directed to Country Style Meats at
519-656-3380. The business is located at 3700 Nafziger Road, Wellesley, Ontario.


Lee Anne Andriessen Jason Stere
Principal Vice Principal