School Council Membership forms were sent home with students in their First Day Welcome Packages. If you would like to be a voting member of School Council, please complete a nomination form and bring it to school on Sept. 12 or to the meeting on Sept. 13. Our first School Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 6:30 pm in the library.

We only meet 5 times per year. So, come out and get first hand information about our school community at our meetings. Each meeting includes ongoing organization about special school council events. Teachers and principals also share information about the school at each meeting. Come out and learn more about your school!

Research shows that student achievement increases when parents are involved! So come out and join KEPS School Council. Meetings are outlined below.

Tuesday, Sept. 13  6:30 pm Library
Tuesday, Nov. 8  6:30 pm Library
Tuesday, Jan. 17  6:30 pm Library
Tuesday, Mar. 7   6:30 pm Library
Tuesday, May 9   6:30 pm Library