Starting on Monday, November 13th, you will be able to book appointments to meet with your child’s teacher regarding your child’s progress at school.  Some of our staff are using School-Day, while others will be using different methods.  Your child’s teacher will let you know their method.

If your child’s teacher is using School-Day for booking appointments, please follow these steps:

1.  Log into your School-Day account

2.  Select “Parent Conferences” from the left side and click on the conference titled “November 2017-Parent-Teacher Interviews

3.  To book an appointment with your child’s teacher, click on “Book”. A pop up will appear confirming your appointment selection

4.  Select “Confirm Booking” within 30 seconds to confirm your booking

5.  To cancel an appointment, click on your child’s name in the schedule for the appointment you wish to change and select “Confirm Cancel”