As we close out this very unique school year, we are very sorry to be saying goodbye to the following staff members who have made valuable contributions to King Edward and wish them all the best:

Jill Hubick
Jessica MacKenzie
Meghan Koiter
Katie Letourneau
Jessica MacLeod
Katie Schulz
Erika Stypulkowski
Jackson Yanchus
Desiree Greenfield
Elizabeth Kennedy
Farnaz Ashjari
Julie-Anne Pastorius
We are also very sorry to announce that Catharine Marchand will be leaving King Edward to become the Vice-Principal at Elgin St. Public School.  We cannot thank Catharine enough for all of her work and contributions to King Edward during her time here.  We wish her all the best.
Karen Madsen will be the new Vice-Principal at King Edward.   We welcome Karen and look forward to working with her.