It is a pleasure to welcome our students and families back to King Edward P.S.  We have had a great first day back to school.

Classes are enjoying a new gym floor. We are talking about starting the school year with HOPE. We are all sharing our hopes for the year.

Our school has had some significant growth. In May, we had about 278 students and today, we have about 315 students.

This week, parents will need to review the forms that have been sent home today. All forms are due on Friday, Sept. 10.

Planners are being sent home as well, and we need $5 for each planner to cover the cost.

Your help in completing the forms is very important because the first class to return all of their forms  and planner money, gets a Pizza Party.

With our new floor, students will need an INDOOR pair of running shoes and an OUTDOOR pair of shoes.

School information is provided in your first day materials. Please let us know if you have any further questions.