King Edward Technology Policy


At King Edward, we value and appreciate the benefits of technology to student learning and the need for it in our ever changing world.  Students will have frequent access to computers and information technology.  King Edward P. S. adheres to the Waterloo Region District School Board’s Acceptable Use of Technology Guidelines.  The use of the computers and other technology is a privilege, not a right.

All students will have an account within the WRDSB intranet server.  They will be able, under teacher supervision, to access a number of programs and internet sites.  Internet sites with inappropriate or adult content are blocked by the WRDSB.  Students are expected to use the technology appropriately and responsibly.

The privilege of using school devices may be suspended or taken away if students are not using them appropriately and following the guidelines.


Unacceptable conduct includes but may not be limited to the following:

  • Using school computers for any illegal activity, including hacking
  • Plagiarism or copyright violation
  • Vandalizing equipment or the data of other users
  • Downloading files that are not for educational purposes (e.g. games, music, movies, google extensions)
  • Invading the privacy of individuals, harassing others or personally attacking others
  • Sharing or using others’ access codes
  • Downloading or posting inappropriate comments, defamatory remarks or pictures
  • Using abusive or offensive language in public or private messages
  • With the increased amount of Chromebooks being used, the following additional guidelines are in place:
    • Chrome Web Store is officially off limits unless a student has received explicit teacher permission
    • Websites that don’t help students learn (i.e., Cool Math Games) are off limits for the entire school day
    • Google theme must be set to default (white background)


We at King Edward value the development of social and interpersonal skills.  To this end, while valuing the use of technology, we also believe in monitoring its use to ensure a balanced school day that includes “unplugged” time.  During nutrition breaks, students at King Edward will not use or have any access to technology in order to focus on connecting with peers.


Personal devices should not be out at school.  We are fortunate to be in a position whereby we can provide all students with the technology they need.  If parents wish their child to have a cell phone to contact them after school hours, the phone must be kept in the student’s backpack during the day.